Psychology Together works with schools throughout Yorkshire, providing packages of support that are individually tailored to the school’s needs. Following a planning meeting, schools purchase the number of sessions required  to meet their needs at that time. Depending upon your setting size and needs, Psychology Together recommends planning work on a termly or half-yearly basis. Following this a further planning meeting will be held to agree further sessions to meet requirements. This model should enable schools to:

  • respond to fluctuating needs: estimating time required across the school year can be difficult, pupil needs change and pupils with additional needs can arrive at any time;
  • work in a cost-efficient way;
  • respond to changes in school budget;
  • try using an independent Child and Educational Psychology Service without being tied into a lengthy agreement.  

Psychology Together listens to what your needs are. We ensure that packages of support enable progression for the school as an organisation (such as supporting staff emotional well-being or developing practice around responding to children with communication difficulties), as well as developing understanding and responses to individual students who are having the greatest difficulties in education.

Psychology Together understands the variety of challenges schools face in supporting the inclusion of all children from their local community, enabling them to make progress. Psychology Together provides an accessible, responsive and consistent, yet flexible model. The service focuses on relationships, ensuring the psychologist is available and trusted by school staff, from lunchtime supervisors to headteachers. Psychology Together is mindful of looking for opportunities to empower staff, developing their skill and confidence to respond to a range of needs.

Groups of Schools

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Psychology Together also offers a model in which schools can buy in shared packages of support as part of a group of schools (for example a secondary school and its feeder primaries or schools within an academy chain). This can allow greater flexibility and cost-efficient working for schools. Psychology Together can offer support across the schools, for example training for groups of support staff on Emotional Literacy Support Assistants, and group problem-solving sessions, such as special educational needs coordinators coming together to discuss cases, with facilitation by a psychologist.